Themes of Focus

We asked you to shape our proposals for the next five years. We listened and have incorporated your views and feedback in
the development of our proposed activities and initiatives. The overwhelming feedback is that you want us to be a voice for business. As a direct response we have incorporated this into our mission and will ensure it is at the core of everything we do.

Strabane BID’s Term 2 will focus on 5 key themes:

Aim – To market and promote our member businesses and the Strabane area to drive footfall into the Town Centre and raise the profile of Strabane. Over the last five years Strabane BID has focused on marketing Strabane and it’s unique offering and your feedback tells us that you think we did a good job and you want to see more of it. As we now look to recover from the effects of the pandemic it’s crucial that we continue to market Strabane as a destination of choice. From our well known big branded chain stores to our small independents, our vibrant hospitality sector to our professional service sector we have a lot to celebrate and promote.

Aim – To maximise investment opportunities and external funding to strengthen and add value to Strabane’s offering. The Strabane Regeneration Project will be a key initiative in redeveloping, transforming and re-energising our town centre, it’s absolutely vital that we maximise the many opportunities that this brings. Strabane BID is a key stakeholder in driving this project forward and we need to ensure a YES vote so we can be instrumental in representing YOU and YOUR voice in its

Aim – To support and engage all BID members whilst further developing visibility of BID as a core town centre organisation dedicated to improving the trading environment. Through your feedback you told us that we’re doing a good job of supporting you but we want to improve on this and do it even better. You told us that you want BID to be a visible entity and support for your business.

Aim – To improve the visual impact of Strabane Town Centre to improve its attractiveness as a destination and drive footfall to member businesses. Strabane BID will work to make our town a more attractive and vibrant destination for visitors and businesses. The town centre in its current state needs to be reimagined and regenerated to become more visually appealing. The benefits of this are wide ranging as they will improve people’s opinions of Strabane, attract new visitors and drive footfall to our member’s businesses.

Aim – To attract new audiences to Strabane through provision of targeted and innovative initiatives in partnership with our members. We want to explore ways of attracting new people to Strabane thus increasing footfall and the trading environment.